Wednesday, January 23, 2013

America is not the greatest country anymore. After WW2 people want back to work a man at that time was able to buy a nice house buy a nice car and able to send his kids to good colleges all  this with a 9 to 5 job while his wife took care of the house after the 60s this country went to shit now you and your wife have to work two job's just to make ends meet does anyone see that there is something wrong with this country or are all american blind or just ignorant .We can make this country the best country in this world all we have to do is stop electing these cock sucker that don't care about us . We have to start electing men that will help the american people not there pockets . We spend billion of dollars helping other countries what we should do is take that money and help our people first instead our government is taking there house and jobs does this make any sense to you it doesn't to me. How can we say that this is the greatest country in the world when we have so many poor people out of work can someone explain this to me like i was a 5 year old i would love an answer.  

Why America is NOT the greatest country in the world, anymore.